Free Disk Space Mac

If you regularly work in programs like Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, and Adobe Photoshop, you’ve probably encountered errors relating to a 'scratch disk.' The most common error is Photoshop’s refusal to open, along with the message 'Could not initialize Photoshop because the scratch disks are full.'

  1. Free Disk Space Mac Os
  2. Check Hard Drive Space Mac
  3. online, free Disk Space
  4. How To Clear Disk Space On Mac
  5. Free Disk Space Macbook Air

To free up disk space, it’s helpful to know exactly what is using disk space on your Mac. A hard disk analysis tool like Disk Inventory X will scan your Mac’s hard disk and display which folders and files are using up the most space. You can then delete these space hogs to free up space. How to clear disk space in Windows and Mac. The simplest way to free up disk space on PCs and Macs is to empty the recycle bin, clean the disk, delete temporary files, uninstall applications, and use a hardware junkware removal cleanup tool. The garbage generated by many programs can be overwhelming. The quickest way to free up disk space Mac is to delete its files permanently. You can do it by long clicking the trash can icon and then selecting 'empty trash' in the interface that pops up. Mac will ask for a confirmation and then permanently delete the files from the trash can.

If you’ve stumbled on this page because you’ve experienced this issue, you’re in luck: we’re going to show you how to resolve your scratch disk problem easily and, as a bonus, keep your computer clean and performing at its best.

What is a scratch disk?

Before we highlight some solutions, it would be a good idea to have at least a general sense of what a scratch disk actually is. When you are using programs like Photoshop or Final Cut Pro, they require a working space called virtual memory or cache memory. This is where temporary project files are stored and accessed.

For this guide, we are focusing our laser sights on Photoshop. After all, it is the most common application. But rest assured that the info we cover will apply to most programs that rely on scratch drives.

Scratch disk is your hard drive space used by Photoshop as virtual memory when there is not enough RAM to complete a task. Photoshop allows you to assign several scratch disks: that way, it has more space at its disposal.

When working with large images and lots of layers, Photoshop is secretly chewing up your drive space by rapidly creating a mountain of project temp files.

It’s important to note that when you set up Photoshop, you will have the option to assign the scratch disks to the drive of your choice. We highly recommend not using your system drive unless you have no other alternatives.

Reasons behind “scratch disks are full” error

Temporary files are the most significant reason behind the “scratch disks are full” error. They usually mass up in your drive without leaving single evidence of their presence. If you have a habit of force-quitting Photoshop, you may have a lot of temporary files stored in your system. As Photoshop can’t fully close all projects after you quitted it so rapidly, it keeps such files on your machine.

Here are some other reasons that may cause the mentioned message:

  • Lack of space in the drive where the scratch disk is located
  • The partition of the disk being used by Photoshop is full
  • Limited RAM allowed for the Photoshop

What to do when your scratch disks are full?

Next, we’ll explain how to clear out the scratch disk and fix the Photoshop issue on a Mac. If you’ve faced a problem on the Windows computer, follow the instructions below.

How to fix “scratch disks are full” error on Mac

Mac users receive a 'scratch disk full' message when Photoshop (or any of the other programs) has used up all the space on the hard drive that has been assigned as a scratch disk. This used-up space is temporary and separate from your actual project file.

The problem is that Photoshop doesn't always get rid of these temporary files when they aren't needed anymore, which is more like a permanent problem if the user can't find a solution.

So how to clear your scratch disks? Let's find out.

Important takeout
: If your HD is full, Photoshop will display scratch disk errors.

1. Clear your Photoshop cache

Photoshop has an in-built solution for deleting specific Photoshop caches. When these pesky caches aren’t removed automatically by the program, they can grow and take up a lot of space on your scratch disk.

To use this tool, simply enter Photoshop in Mac and with an image open:

  • Click the Edit menu button.
  • Hover your mouse over 'purge' to reveal 4 different options.
  • Undo, Clipboard, Histories, All. If an item is greyed out, that means it has already been deleted.
  • Select the specific item you want to delete or select 'all' to delete all of your caches.
  • You will be warned that the purge cannot be undone, so make sure you don’t need a previous version of one of your projects and then click OK.

A good way to keep Photoshop cache from piling up is by running regular disk cleanups. But here is a problem: the cache sits so deep in system folders (and their subfolders) that deleting it manually becomes a pain. A company called MacPaw produced a tool just for this purpose, CleanMyMac X. You've heard of similar tools, but that one actually pioneered Mac cleanup.

Here’s how you can schedule regular cleanings with CleanMyMac X:

  1. Launch CleanMyMac X tool.
  2. Click System Junk and press Scan.
  3. Click Review Details to deselect the data you want to keep.
  4. Hit Clean to clean up junk files.

Just let it do its thing. That way, you’ll never forget to clear Photoshop cache and tons of other system junk on your system.

You can download CleanMyMac X free version and see how it works.

How your Scratch drive is filling up, an example from Sketch

Along with Photoshop, Sketch is another app that keeps temporary versions of projects on your disk. And it eats up a whole lot: from 60 to 220 GB on average.

Each time you press Command + S, some space is wasted away from your Scratch drive. Say your file weighs 23 MB. Then, 7 temporary editions would increase that size to 161 MB. This problem hasn’t been widely known until recently, but, luckily, there is an automatic solution.

CleanMyMac’s System Junk module lists Documents’ Versions from Sketch and other similar apps. You can keep the final and the oldest version of a project and delete all revisions in-between. Voila, you’ve got free space again!

How to free disk space macCheck free disk space mac

Free Disk Space Mac Os

2. Delete your temp files

When it comes to wasting space on your scratch disk, the worst culprit is often Photoshop's own temp files. If Photoshop isn't going to get rid of them, I guess you’re going to have to do the job yourself.

To find them, you'll need to look for files that begin with 'pst' and then a string of numbers followed by the file extension '.tmp.' Search 'Photoshop Temp' with a space between the two words.

You can just search your scratch drive, but to make sure everything is found, rather perform the search on the entire computer. It may take a couple of minutes for the search to complete, so pop into the kitchen for a quick snack while you wait.

When you return, you should have a long list of files. If your work is saved and the program is closed, you can safely delete these files and watch as your scratch disk space is reclaimed.

3. Clear your disk space

If you don't have another drive or don't want to buy one, then it's time to do some spring cleaning. Look at the drive contents to see if you can delete anything you don't need. Is there storage space that can be cleared? Usually, there is, so go ahead and delete your old files and free up some space.

Alternatively, you can simply transfer files to external drives, DVDs, or cloud storage solutions like Dropbox and iCloud.

Take a look at our How to Clean Your Startup Disk (10 Ways). Inside we have lots of practical advice for macOS users who want a clean drive that performs well. Even if your scratch disk isn’t your startup drive, and we hope that is the case, there are many tips to help you spring clean like a pro.

Notice for macOS Sierra (and higher) users:Users of macOS Sierra might be aware that Apple has added new tools to 'help' manage storage space. If you navigate to Apple Menu > About This Mac > Storage tab, you will see the new Sierra bar graph.

If you click on 'manage,' you will be taken to the new tools. While there are some truly helpful elements, like using Optimized Storage to customize what email attachments download to your Mac, most of the tools move junk from one place to another place.

Because many of these processes are automatic, Sierra users might not be aware of what the OS is doing on their behalf. If it sounds like a good idea to have macOS deciding what files to send to iCloud and what iTunes videos to remove, go for it.

For everyone else, we’d recommend turning off these tools or at least making sure you understand them fully before turning them on.

It can be challenging to check and analyze all contents of your disk space. Luckily, some tools can provide a disk scan and can save up lots of space on your Mac. Apps notarized by Apple are best for this job. CleanMyMac X, the app I talked about earlier, has a Large & Old Files feature, which finds and removes massive files stored on your Mac.


4. Change your scratch disk

If the disk being used is nearly full, change the directory for a more spacious one. Then, restart Photoshop. You can change the Scratch Disk location by pressing the Command + Option when launching Photoshop. It can be a hassle, but if you keep an eye on the available space on your scratch disk, you can do something when space is becoming limited. It’s also worth noting that problems don't just occur when the drive is completely full, hard drives should ideally never be above 85% capacity. Pass that threshold, and problems will be just around the corner.

So, you've identified rapidly depleting free space on your Mac hard drive — now what? Well, it may be a good idea to change your scratch disk to another drive in your system (just not the system drive, as that is one drive you really don't want to slow down). If you don't have another drive, you could purchase one, with SSD being the best option for Mac OS X scratch disk purposes.

Follow these steps to change your scratch disk in Photoshop:

  1. Click on the Photoshop menu.
  2. Go to Preferences and then Scratch Disk.
  3. Tick the checkbox to select or remove a drive as the scratch disk.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Restart Photoshop.

You can change the Scratch Disk location by pressing Command + Option when launching Photoshop.


5. Consider buying a new SSD

The scratch disk problem happens because of 2 simple reasons: lack of RAM and lack of HDD space. Both can be addressed if you buy a Thunderbolt SSD (solid-state drive) to use as your Scratch Disk. By today’s standards, 60 GBs should be enough.

Buy an external SSD to use as a Scratch Disk. 60 GB should be enough.

6. Follow the 15% rule

Not strictly a rule, but rather a common practice states that you should keep at least 10-15% of your disk space free at all times. If your HDD size is 256 GB, your lower limit is 25 GB. You’ll have enough room to render your Photoshop files, save multiple project copies, etc.

Loud fans noise is a sign your CPU is overloaded and approaching its carrying capacity.

7. Free up RAM in Terminal

When Photoshop gets paralyzed due to lack of RAM, there is a command you can run in Terminal.

  1. Open the Terminal app (find it in the Launchpad).
  2. Paste in: sudo purge
  3. Then, enter your password.

At first, you may not see the difference, but you’ve just flushed your RAM, releasing all the files kept in virtual memory. There are a few more ways to free up RAM; check them out too.

You can also download CleanMyMac (get a free edition here) and use its Free UP RAM command.

  1. Install the app and click on Maintenance.
  2. Select Free Up RAM and click Run.

You can apply this trick anytime to unfreeze an app. Also, check out the other tools in the Maintenance section. They will help you take some load off your Mac’s memory.

8. Search for hidden files in your Photoshop folder

Some projects’ leftovers are invisible and yet take up lots of space. There is a shortcut combination to display hidden files in whatever folder you are in. So, open your main Photoshop folder and press Command + Shift + Period. If you find any greyed-out folders, check their weight.

To see hidden files in any folder, press Command+Shift+Period.

As you see, there are many methods to solve the “scratch disks are full” error. There is also one more way to reorganize data on your Mac and save up some space. Disk defragmentation gathers related items and lets you delete unneeded data as well as leftovers. Note that the latest macOS doesn’t need to be defragmented as Apple has provided it with in-built utilities, which automatically remove fragmented files. So, defragmentation may only work for you if your Mac’s running the OS version earlier than OS X 10.2.

How to clear the scratch disk on Windows

If you are experiencing a “scratch disks are full” error on your Windows computer, freeing up space in the drive that accommodates the scratch disk may fix the problem. To do that, you need first to find out which drive Photoshop uses as a scratch disk.

  1. Open Photoshop and go to Edit > Preferences.
  2. Choose Scratch Disks.
  3. Check which drive is used as a scratch disk.

The scratch disk should have at least 40GB of free space. If you see that it’s running out of space, access the drive and remove or transfer the largest files.

Another thing you may do to fix the error is clear out Photoshop temporary files. Just make sure you save your work first and close all Adobe apps. Then, go to the temp data folder
C:UsersYour UsernameAppDataLocalTemp. Look for the files that have “Photoshop Temp” in their names, highlight and remove them.

The 'Scratch Disk Is Full' error is fixed!

If you followed this guide, there is absolutely no reason why you should ever have to deal with the annoying 'scratch disk full' error again. Next time you want to create something amazing in Photoshop, you should experience something new - a Photoshop that runs so smoothly it practically purrs.

Whether you solve the problem yourself or let a great piece of software like CleanMyMac X do it for you, just make sure you clean up your scratch disk. Your Mac will thank you for it*.

*Not literally. That would be weird.

Frequently asked questions

Why does the “scratch disks are full” error may appear?

The number one reason for the “scratch disks are full” message is the lack of space in the drive where scratch disks are located. You can also run out of space in the partition of the disk allocated for Photoshop, which may also cause the above-mentioned error.

What are Photoshop temporary files?

Temporary files will appear if you don’t close Photoshop fully or open the Smart Object and don’t close them with the Smart Object layer. Photoshop temp files have a '.tmp' extension, so it’s easy to find them on your Mac.

How to fix the “scratch disks are full” issue?

One of the solutions is to change the scratch disk allocation. You may also need to clear the Photoshop cache and remove temporary files.

To function properly, your computer’s hard drive needs enough space. If you create space on your hard drive, you clean up unused files and fragments of data. Your hard drive might even need to be replaced if it is not large enough to meet your needs. If you use a computer daily, you may notice that your hard drive space has disappeared and wonder, “what is using the space on our hard drive?” The installed programs or saved files in Windows Explorer may not always provide a clear indication of its use.

You can make it out with Windows’ help. You can make sure you have plenty of free disk space on your PC by using the dedicated settings menu in Windows 10. The space utilized on your device and the type of content downloaded will be shown. You can use Storage Sense to automatically delete temporary files, Recycle Bin items, and other items you might not need. Follow these steps to view your internal storage and free up space.


  • 3 What is disk space, exactly?

How to Free Up Disk Space

The lack of sufficient disk space can lead to problems when saving files and slowing down your device. The author will show you how to find out what’s taking up hard drive space, how to free up disk space, and how to make cleanup safer and more efficient by using a reputable cleanup program.

How to clear disk space in Windows and Mac

The simplest way to free up disk space on PCs and Macs is to empty the recycle bin, clean the disk, delete temporary files, uninstall applications, and use a hardware junkware removal cleanup tool.

The garbage generated by many programs can be overwhelming. This makes you forget what it felt like when you bought your computer. What happened to all the free space? The next section tells you how much disk space you have available at present.

You can clear space on your Mac by using the Storage Management feature. You can delete important data or files when you clean out your trash on your own. Is there a similar feature in Windows? The only way to optimize your computer’s performance is to know what files it needs and which are not necessary.

The Avast Cleanup tool removes bloatware, obsolete programs, and old registry entries for outdated programs, but it keeps what you need. Try Avast Cleanup to reduce the time it takes to boot and improve your computer’s performance.

How about manually deleting files on your PC? This guide will guide you through the process. The steps are as follows:

Empty the trash process of cleaning a hard drive typically begins and ends with emptying the trash.

You don’t delete a file when you right-click and choose Delete or when you drag it to the Trash on a Mac. The file can still be restored.

You can let your Recycle Bin or Trash pile up over time if you don’t have a routine that cleans it out regularly. The solution to how to increase disk space is as simple as deleting all the data.

  1. The Trash on Mac or Recycle Bin on Windows is accessible by right-clicking.
  2. To empty the recycling bin or trash, click Empty Trash.

There! we are done! Please check the Recycle Bin first before deleting it. You can return to the file’s original location by right-clicking it.

Check Hard Drive Space Mac

There may be a notice that you may be about to delete a file permanently if the file is a bigger one than your available space on your main hard drive. It will help if you read everything before you make a decision.

Searching for something and not finding it? As a starting point, we should consider the stuff your computer doesn’t need, so let’s tackle the stuff you’re not using at all.

  1. Use Disk Cleanup

There are many automated ways of deleting things from Windows, including obsolete Windows files and items in the Recycle Bin. The steps are as follows:

  1. This is the first step. Click Disk Cleanup on your taskbar.
  2. This is the second step. Then choose a drive to be cleaned.
  3. Three. You will be able to see how much space you will clear when you use Disk Cleanup. Aside from the Windows ESD Installation Files, none of them are at risk if deleted. This can be left unchecked.
  4. The fourth step is here. Additionally, you can delete additional files if you select Clean up system files to delete (see step 2), which offers more deletion options.

You can speed up your computer with Disk Cleanup, one of the best ways to clean Windows. Does Mac OS have a similar feature?

You can free up storage space on your Mac by using Mac’s built-in cleanup app, Optimize:

  1. The first step is taking action. Then click the About This Mac icon in the upper-left corner.
  2. This is the second step. Click Manage and then Storage.
  3. This is the third step. The Optimize Storage link can be used to get rid of large files, such as movies and TV shows.

This page allows you to empty the Trash automatically and move files to the Cloud. You can utilize Optimize to free up disk space and make space for new files on your Mac.

  1. Delete temporary files

If you want to remove temporary files created by Chrome or another browser, you need to do so from the programs themselves. You clear the cache on Mac and PC through the browser’s settings – get to the advanced section of the browser and look for the Clear Cache button. This button is usually adjacent to the button for deleting cookies.

There are numerous ways to increase the size of a cache. To gain more disk space, you can flush out all the data your browser stores automatically on your computer.

  1. Delete duplicate files

It is possible to handle the copying process manually or use a program that identifies duplicates for you. The use of an app ensures that you do not delete folders with similar names but different contents. The purpose of this article is not to delete precious memories but to free up disk space.

Can you remember all of this? A program that does everything for you would save you time and make things simpler. Avast Cleanup can help you. The Avast Cleanup tool lets you remove temporary files from the web browser and duplicate folders on Mac or Windows computers.

  1. Uninstall applications

The removal of unneeded or useless programs on your computer can increase hard disk space. The money they receive from those software companies can help PC manufacturers lower their prices by installing bloatware on their machines. This results in a bit of saving but lots of irritations—time to eliminate the headache.

To make your PC have more disk space, you may want to delete unnecessary applications:

  1. This is the first step. Choose Add or remove programs from the taskbar.
  2. Next, step 2. Remove programs from the list on your computer. You might need to search for unfamiliar programs to delete them. Something with Microsoft or Windows in it probably means that it is important and should not be altered. You can remove it from Disk Cleanup if it’s not important.
  3. Three. Please select the program you want to uninstall by clicking it.

This guide shows you how to uninstall Mac apps that eat up space and free up storage disk space without using a third-party uninstaller.

You can also uninstall apps using bloatware removal software for PCs and Macs.

  1. Configure System Restore

You can restore critical files lost by recent updates with System Restore. As long as you don’t need it, you can usually leave it as is.

Your hard drive reserves space for System Restore so it can function. The following steps describe how you can set aside space on your hard drive by using System Restore:

  1. This is the first step. You can choose System protection or Create a restore point from the Taskbar. Select Create a restore point.
  2. Using the highlighted window, click Configure.
  3. The slider controls the Max Usage amount. It is generally best to leave the default settings untouched unless all other options have failed to work.

The decision is up to you: is a failsafe mechanism more important than increased disk space? Exercise caution before making a decision.

What is disk space, exactly?

The total amount of hard drive storage space is called disk space. There is no unit for describing the volume of space on a computer. As a result, your operating system uses a lot of memory, called disk space, for apps like Google Chrome.

Why should I free up disk space?

It would help if you regularly cleaned up your PC to reclaim some space on a drive that is 90% full, as this will not perform as well as one that is 85% full. The most popular programs generate a surprising amount of garbage. This could explain why your hard drive is 90% full. It’s a good idea to become familiar with how to free up disk space.

You should keep at least 15% of your disk space free to store temporary files. The browser stores the information from commonly visited websites, so over time, you can accumulate data from sites you haven’t visited for months. Your browser’s temporary files can be deleted so that the sites you visit can take up less space.

Windows updates also consume space. Removing old updates and one-time installation files will make way for new updates to be installed, further securing your computer.

The hard drive will automatically split files into small segments, and it will store them wherever it can if you don’t have enough storage space. The segments will be read once the file is opened. The PC may have difficulties opening large files otherwise. This can be solved by defragmenting your hard drive, but you’ll need extra space.

online, free Disk Space

Additionally, if your RAM must offload some work to your hard drive, you will need some free space. It will speed up considerably when this occurs, although it won’t freeze since the hard drive is too full to help.

How to check disk space on Windows 10

Windows 10 offers an easily accessible disk space. The link below is to show you the amount of disk space your Mac has.

The following steps will guide you through determining what is taking up space on your Windows 10 computer.

  1. The taskbar will display a folder icon.
  2. The PC can be selected by clicking here.
  3. You can determine the size of your C: drive by clicking on Devices and drives.

If your hard drive is full, you must clear it. It is also possible to do this via Windows task manager.

How to check disk space on Mac

To clean up your Mac hard drive, you must know how much space you’re using. This is easy to find out. Follow these steps to determine how much space your Mac has:

  1. The Apple icon is located on your desktop in the upper-left corner. The About This Mac option appears.
  2. The Storage tab will appear at the top.

You can also see here what storage type you are using. The categories should be obvious, although you should investigate what Other means on a Mac. It should be easy to speed up your Mac if you learn more about it.

Free up extra space with Avast Cleanup

What are the best ways to remove all the useless files and data without compromising important files or data? There is software available that can be used to accomplish this. It is hard to find anyone who isn’t using one of these apps due to how useful they have become to so many people over the years.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is my local disk C full?

There is an error message stating that when your C: drive is full, Windows will prompt you with this message: “Low Disk Space. There is no more space available on the Local Disk (C:). Click here to see whether you can free up some space.”.

How do I delete unnecessary files from the C drive?

You can access the main drive (usually C: drive) by right-clicking it. It includes options to delete temporary files when you click on Disk Cleanup. There is also an option to clean up system files. You can then remove the categories by clicking OK > Delete Files.

Does compressing C drive slow it down?

To decompress a compressed file, the CPU must work more. The reading of compressed files might be faster if the hard drive is slow on a computer with a fast CPU. These compromises write performance, however.

How To Clear Disk Space On Mac

What happens when you run out of disk space?

Free Disk Space Macbook Air

The answer to that question is simple: Your computer will work less efficiently. The reason for that is because when the memory on your computer runs out, it will turn to the hard drive space for “virtual memory.”